I think the picture speaks for itself xD

Funny thing is the bug wasn't actually caused by the shader itself, instead it was due to the way I applied the shader. On my emu I had 3 separate textures for Sprite Background, Sprite Foreground, and Tile Background. Then I would render all 3 of these textures to the output buffer. When I applied the shader it applied it to each individual layer (sprite/bg) instead of the picture as a whole. The sprite layers for instance were just a few sprites with a lot of transparency, and running the Eagle2x algorithm on this layer caused artifacts.
The solution then was to combine all 3 layers into 1 texture before applying the shader; using 1-complete texture fixed the cause of the artifacts. I ended up coming up with some pretty cool bitwise-based merge function which combined 3 bitmaps arrays according to priority and transparency without having to use any conditional statements.
void combineLayers() {
for(int y = 0; y < bHeight; y++) {
for(int x = 0; x < bWidth; x++) {
s32 m0 = ((s32)(buffer[0][y][x])) >> 31;
s32 m1 = ((s32)(buffer[1][y][x])) >> 31;
s32 m2 = ((s32)(buffer[2][y][x])) >> 31;
m0 &= ~m1 & ~m2; m1 &= ~m2;
buffer[0][y][x] = buffer[0][y][x] & m0;
buffer[0][y][x] |= buffer[1][y][x] & m1;
buffer[0][y][x] |= buffer[2][y][x] & m2;
Essentially the code creates masks by checking if the MSB is set (since the most significant byte is 0xff on non-transparent pixels, and 0x00 on transparent pixels, the most-significant bit is set when non-transparent; of-course this code won't work properly with partial-transparencies).
After it creates the masks, it uses some bitwise math to make sure the pixel with the highest priority is the one that is shown, and leaves the resulting pixel in the buffer[0] bitmap layer.
Note: The priority is (buffer[2] > buffer[1] > buffer[0]). So the pixel in buffer[2] is the top-most.
I initially had thought this bitwise version would be faster than a version using conditionals, but I was wrong. The compiled code for this is pretty bloated. Instead the conditional version compiles to much better optimized code:
void combineLayers() {
for(int y = 0; y < bHeight; y++) {
for(int x = 0; x < bWidth; x++) {
if (buffer[2][y][x] >> 31) buffer[0][y][x] = buffer[2][y][x];
elif(buffer[1][y][x] >> 31) buffer[0][y][x] = buffer[1][y][x];
elif(buffer[0][y][x] >> 31) buffer[0][y][x] = buffer[0][y][x];
else buffer[0][y][x] = 0;
So I guess the lesson learned here is that many times using conditionals are better than complex bitwise operations. Even though the bitwise versions may seem more clever and quicker on first impression.
Note: "elif" in the above code is a macro for "else if"
#define elif else if
I like the elif macro because it keeps code more compact. Using "else if" almost always messes up text alignment and due to having too much letters.
Hi cottonvibes
ReplyDeleteYou can make it a lot faster!
Just let me know how exactly "buffer" was declared and tell me about the pixel color format.
Great job, i really appreciate.
buffer was declared as:
ReplyDeleteu32 buffer[3][240][256];
(u32 is a typedef for unsigned 32bit integer)
the pixel color format is Ax8|Rx8|Gx8|Bx8.
But for the alpha channel byte, its always either 0x00 or 0xff, since the NES only needs transparent/non-transparent tiles (no alpha-transparencies).
Thank you very much for the details!
ReplyDeleteOk right now i'm working on the optimization of the combineLayers optimization BUT i need another explanation:
Is buffer allocated statically? (fixed in memory, never deallocated and all sizes fixed)
Is it aligned? (somehow)
This is very important if you want to make the procedure super optimized.
Anyway I'm working on that, assuming the answers are "yes".
Please excuse me if I made language errors, I know, my english is poor.
By the way, I dont think the device handles 24-bit +1 color, so please specify the exact format detailed. It really matters now.
ReplyDeletebuffer is a class member variable, and combineLayers() is a class method.
ReplyDeletebuffer is statically allocated, and it currently does not have any specified alignment (aside from what the compiler defaults it at).
I already gave the exact format of each pixel, the code is being used with different renderers, but in DirectX the format is called D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8.
hey, cottonNES is looking pretty good!
ReplyDeletesuggestion: It would be nice to post the compiled x86 for comparison instead of just saying "this resulted in worse code," or something. Maybe there is a plugin for that? :P
Not a big deal, and probably a huge pain for you - but something along those lines would make it more clear. Perhaps you could just say what kind of optimization the compiler used to produce better code under the given circumstances.