One professor of mine even went as far as to say, the computer might not store "2" as "2.0", but rather "2.000019" if using floats.
This is not true.
32-bit floats can actually represent quite a large amount of integer values 100% accurately.
The exact integer-range a 32bit float can represent accurately is -16777216 to 16777216.
This means that it is roughly equivalent to a 25-bit signed integer, which has the range -16777216 to 16777215.
If you only care about positive values, then the float is equivalent to a 24-bit unsigned integer, which has the range 0 to 16777215.
I commonly see these values messed up, with people saying a float can only represent a 24-bit signed integer (which would be -8388608 to 8388607, which is wrong).
Below I made a test case to prove the floating point range by exhaustive search.
int testFloatRange(bool pos) {
volatile int i = 0;
volatile float f = 0.0f;
volatile double d = 0.0;
for (;;) {
volatile double t = (double)(float)i;
if ((double)f != d || (int)f != i || t != d) break;
if (pos) { f++; d++; i++; }
else { f--; d--; i--; }
printf("%f != %d\n", f, i);
return pos ? (i-1) : (i+1);
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) {
int p = testFloatRange(1);
int n = testFloatRange(0);
printf("Positive Range = 0 to %d\n", p);
printf("Negative Range = %d to 0\n", n);
printf("Full Range = %d to %d\n", n, p);
Now its pretty interesting what happens once a 32-bit float reaches its limit of 16777216.
If you try to increase the float by 1 when it has this value, the float will actually stay the same. This means if you try to increment a float by 1 in a loop, you will never get past 16777216! It will just get stuck in an infinite loop.
Here is some proof of that:
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) {
volatile float f = 0xffffff-100;
for( ; f < 0xffffff+100; f++) {
printf("Value = %f, Binary Representation (0x%x)\n", f, (int&)f);
The programs output is:
Value = 16777214.000000, Binary Representation (0x4b7ffffe)
Value = 16777215.000000, Binary Representation (0x4b7fffff)
Value = 16777216.000000, Binary Representation (0x4b800000)
Value = 16777216.000000, Binary Representation (0x4b800000)
... Keeps repeating the last line infinitely...
Admittingly, I didn't know this infinite looping behavior until I made the test-case. This is something you should definitely watch out for.
Oh and btw, you might be wondering why I was using "volatile float" in the above test-cases, instead of just "float". The "volatile" keyword is useful to use when we need to compare floats with their exact precision. I'll probably explain why in another article :)